2006-至今 吉林大学动物科学学院(实验动物中心)教授,吉林省实验动物质量检测中心主任
2000-2006 吉林大学实验动物中心副教授
2.Omega-3 PUFA对Lp-PLA2调节的分子机制研究,自然基金,87万元。
1. Y. Gao, H. Fang, L. Fang, D. Liu, J. Liu, M. Su, Z. Fang, W. Ren, H. Jiao, The Modification and Design of Antimicrobial Peptide, Curr Pharm Des 24(8) (2018) 904-910.
2. M.J. Zhang, W.Z. Ren, X.J. Sun, Y. Liu, K.W. Liu, Z.H. Ji, W. Gao, B. Yuan, GeneChip analysis of resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis with previously treated tuberculosis in Changchun, BMC Infect Dis 18(1) (2018) 234.
3. Q. Yang, H. Yuan, M. Chen, J. Qu, H. Wang, B. Yu, J. Chen, S. Sun, X. Tang, W. Ren, Metformin ameliorates the progression of atherosclerosis via suppressing macrophage infiltration and inflammatory responses in rabbits, Life Sci 198 (2018) 56-64.
4. Ji, Z. H., J. Chen, W. Gao, J. Y. Zhang, F. S. Quan, J. P. Hu, B. Yuan, and W. Z. Ren. 2017. 'Cutaneous transcriptome analysis in NIH hairless mice', PLoS One, 12: e0182463.
5. Ji ZH, Ren WZ, Gao W, Hao Y, Gao W, Chen J, et al. Analyzing the innate immunity of NIH hairless mice and the impact of gut microbial polymorphisms on Listeria monocytogenes infection. Oncotarget. 2017;8(63):106222-32
6. Yang, Q., H. Yuan, M. Chen, J. Qu, H. Wang, B. Yu, J. Chen, S. Sun, X. Tang, and W. Ren. 2018. 'Metformin ameliorates the progression of atherosclerosis via suppressing macrophage infiltration and inflammatory responses in rabbits', Life Sci, 198: 56-64.
7. Shen, Z., Y. Ma, Z. Ji, Y. Hao, X. Yan, Y. Zhong, X. Tang, and W. Ren. 2018. 'Arachidonic acid induces macrophage cell cycle arrest through the JNK signaling pathway', Lipids Health Dis, 17: 26.
8. Yuan, B., X. Y. Li, T. Zhu, L. Yuan, J. P. Hu, J. Chen, W. Gao, and W. Z. Ren. 2015. 'Antibody study in canine distemper virus nucleocapsid protein gene-immunized mice', Genet Mol Res, 14: 3098-105.
9. Quan, F. S., J. Chen, Y. Zhong, and W. Z. Ren. 2016. 'Comparative effect of immature neuronal or glial cell transplantation on motor functional recovery following experimental traumatic brain injury in rats', Exp Ther Med, 12: 1671-80.