姓名: 白春艳
职 称:副教授、硕士生导师
所在部门: 动物科学系
2005.09 – 2010.03,上海交通大学,生物医学工程(动物科学),博士
2002.09 – 2005.07,东北农业大学,动物遗传育种与繁殖,硕士
1995.09 – 1999.07,西南民族大学,动物营养与饲料加工,学士
2017.09 -至今,吉林大学,动物科学学院动物科学系,副教授
2010.09 - 2017.09,吉林大学,动物科学学院动物科学系,讲师
2.银狐隐性白毛色相关遗传标记的研发与应用,横向课题,2017.08-2018.08, 10万,负责人。
1.Bai C, Pan Y, Wang D, Cai F, Yan S, Zhao Z, Sun B. Genome-wide association analysis of residual feed intake in Junmu No. 1 White pigs. Anim Genet. 2017, 48(6):686-690.
2.Bai C, Li Y,Yan S*, Fang H, Sun B, Zhang J, Zhao Z. Identification and characterization of the cDNA sequence encoding amelogenin in rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Gene. 2016 Feb 1;576(2 Pt 2):770-5.
3.Yan SQ,Bai C*, Li Y, Li Y, Hou J, Zhao Z, Han W. Sex identification of dog by PCR based on the differences in the AMELX and AMELY genes. Anim Genet. 2013, 44(5):606.
4.Yan SQ*,Bai CY, Qi SM, Li YM, Li WJ, Sun JH.Development of novel polymorphic microsatellite markers for the silver fox (Vulpes vulpes),Genet Mol Res, 2015,14 (2): 5890-5895.
5.Yan SQ*,Bai CY, Qi SM, Li M L, Si S, Li YM, Sun JH. Cloning and association analysis ofKITandEDNRBpolymorphisms with dominant white coat colour in Chinese raccoon dog(Nyctereutes procyonoides procyonoides). Genet Mol Res, 2015,14 (2): 6549-6554.
6.Yan SQ, Li YM,Bai CY, Guo PC, Si S, Sun JH, Zhao ZH.Identification of cDNA sequences and alternative splicing patterns of canine AMEL genes (AMELX and AMELY). Genet Mol Res. 2015, 14(4):16241-6.
7.Yan SQ*, Hou JN,Bai CY, Jiang Y, Zhang XJ, Ren HL, Sun BX, Zhao ZH, Sun JH. A base substitution in the donor site of intron 12 of KIT gene is responsible for the dominant white coat colour of blue fox (Alopex lagopus). Anim Genet. 2014,45(2):293-6.
8.Yan SQ, Li YM,Bai CY, Ding XM, Li WJ, Hou JN, Zhao ZH, Sun JH. Development and characterization of polymorphic microsatellite markers for Chinese raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides procyonoides). Genet Mol Res. 2013, 12(4):6351-6355.
9.Yu F, Liu Z, Jiao S, Zhang X,Bai C, Zhang J,Yan S*. A nonsense mutation in the FGF5 gene is associated with the long-haired phenotype in domestic guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus).Anim Genet. 2018, 49(3):269.
10.Li YM, Si S, Guo PC, Li LL,Bai CY,Yan SQ*. Cloning and identification of the ASIP gene in Chinese raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides procyonoides). Genet Mol Res. 2015, 14(4):16312-6.
11.Yu F, Jiao S, Lai W, Liu Z, Zhu M, Zhu W,Bai C, Zhang Y, Zhang J,Yan S*. Conserved aspartate-to-glycine mutation in tyrosinase is associated with albino phenotype in domestic guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus). Anim Genet. 2018, 49(4):354-355.
12.Yan SQ*, Guo PC, Yue Y, Li WH,Bai CY, Li YM, Sun JH, Zhao ZH. The complete sequence of the mitochondrial genome of Arctic fox (Alopex lagopus). Mitochondrial DNA. 2016 , 27(6):4095-4096.
13.Yan SQ*, Guo PC, Li YM, Qi SM,Bai CY, Zhao ZH, Sun JH. Complete mitochondrial genome of the Spotted dove (Streptopelia chinensis). Mitochondrial DNA. 2016, 27(5):3067-8.