[1] 受教育经历:
2016.09 - 2020.02,建国大学 (韩国),动物营养资源科学,博士
2014.09 - 2016.08,建国大学 (韩国),动物营养资源科学,硕士
2010.09 - 2014.06,吉林大学,动物科学,学士
[2] 工作经历:
2021.12 – 至今,吉林大学,动物科学学院,副教授
2021.07 – 2021.11,建国大学 (韩国),畜牧科学学院,研究教授
2021.03 – 2021.07,建国大学 (韩国),畜牧科学学院,讲师
2020.03 – 2021.07,建国大学 (韩国),反刍动物营养生理与蛋白组学实验室,博士后研究员
[1] 现承担课程
[2] 曾承担课程:
本科生课程:《Animal Nutrigenomics》(英文授课,韩国建国大学)
研究生课程:《Nutrition and Metabolism of Minerals and Vitamins》(英文授课,韩国建国大学)、《反刍动物营养和动物细胞培养》(英文授课,巴勒斯坦理工大学)
[1] 韩国研究财团,2020R1A2B5B02001843,A study on metabolic imprinting of vitamin A on improvement of muscle and intramuscular fat hyperplasia in fetal and early growth stage of Korean native cattle,2020.03-2023.02,研究经费: 4.2亿韩币 (约242万人民币),进行中,主要参与
[2] 韩国研究财团,2017R1A2B2009752,Study on metabolic imprinting of vitamin A for improvement of intramuscular fat hyperplasia in fetal and early growth stages of Korean native cattle,2017.03-2020.02, 研究经费: 4.5亿韩币 (约265万人民币), 结题, 主要参与
[3] 韩国农村振兴厅,PJ0100232,Studies on the setting of the optimal vitamin A and mineral levels for the agricultural-food byproduct feeding in Hanwoo,2014.02-2016.12, 研究经费: 3.9亿韩币 (约229万人民币), 结题, 主要参与
[1] Dong Qiao Peng, Stephen B. Smith, Hong Gu Lee. Vitamin A regulates intramuscular adipose tissue and muscle development: promoting high-quality beef production. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology, 2021, 12(1): 34. (第一作者)
[2] Won Seob Kim, Dong Qiao Peng, Yong Ho Jo, Jalil Ghassemi Nejad, Hong Gu Lee. Responses of beef calves to long-term heat stress exposure by evaluating growth performance, physiological, blood and behavioral parameters. Journal of Thermal Biology, 2021, 100: 103033.
[3] Jang Hoon Jo, Jalil Ghassemi Nejad, Dong Qiao Peng, Hye Ran Kim, Sang Ho Kim, Hong Gu Lee. Characterization of short-term heat stress in holstein dairy cows using altered indicators of metabolomics, blood Parameters, milk microRNA-216 and characteristics. Animals, 2021, 11(3): 722
[4] Dong Qiao Peng, Yong Ho Jo, Seong Jin Kim, Na Yeon Kim, Jalil Ghassemi Nejad, Hong Gu Lee. Oral vitamin A supplementation during neonatal stage enhances growth, pre-adipocyte and muscle development in Korean native calves. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 2020, 268: 114609. (第一作者)
[5] Dong Qiao Peng, Seong Jin Kim, Hong Gu Lee. Metabolomics analyses to characterize metabolic alterations in Korean native calves by oral vitamin A supplementation. Scientific Reports, 2020, 10(1): 8092. (第一作者)
[6] Yong Ho Jo, Dong Qiao Peng, Won Seob Kim, Seong Jin Kim, Na Yeon Kim, Sung Hak Kim, Jalil Ghassemi Nejad, Jae Sung Lee, Hong Gu Lee. The effects of vitamin A supplementation during late-stage pregnancy on longissimus dorsi muscle tissue development, birth traits, and growth performance in postnatal Korean native calves. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 2020, 33(5): 742-752. (共同第一作者)
[7] Won Seob Kim, Jalil Ghassemi Nejad, Dong Qiao Peng, U Suk Jung, Min Jeong Kim, Yong Ho Jo, J. H. Jo, Jae Sung Lee, Hong Gu Lee. Identification of heat shock protein gene expression in hair follicles as a novel indicator of heat stress in beef calves. Animal, 2020, 14(7): 1502-1509.
[8] Dong Qiao Peng, Jae Sung Lee, Won Seob Kim, Young Shin Kim, Mun Hee Bae, Yong Ho Jo, Young Kun Oh, Youl Chang Baek, Seong Gu Hwang, Hong Gu Lee. Effect of vitamin A restriction on carcass traits and blood metabolites in Korean native steers. Animal Production Science, 2019, 59(12): 2138-2146. (第一作者)
[9] Jae Sung Lee, Wahyu Priatno, Jalil Ghassemi Nejad, Dong Qiao Peng, Jin Seung Park, Jun Ok Moon, Hong Gu Lee. Effect of Dietary Rumen-Protected L-Tryptophan Supplementation on Growth Performance, Blood Hematological and Biochemical Profiles, and Gene Expression in Korean Native Steers under Cold Environment. Animals, 2019, 9(12): 1036.
[10] Jae Sung Lee, Nouali Kacem, Won Seob Kim, Dong Qiao Peng, Young Jun Kim, Youn Geun Joung, Chan Hee Lee, Hong Gu Lee. Effect of Saccharomyces boulardii supplementation on performance and physiological traits of holstein calves under heat stress conditions. Animals, 2019, 9(8): 510.
[11] Young Shin Kim, Jae Sung Lee, Yoon Seok Lee, Won Seob Kim, Dong Qiao Peng, Mun Hee Bae, Yong Ho Jo, Myung Gi Baik, Hong Gu Lee. Effect of glutamine on heat-shock protein beta 1 (HSPB1) expression during myogenic differentiation in bovine embryonic fibroblast cells. Food science and biotechnology, 2018, 27(3): 829-835.
[12] Won Seob Kim, Jae Sung Lee, Seung Woo Jeon, Dong Qiao Peng, Young Shin Kim, Mun Hee Bae, Yong Ho Jo, Hong Gu Lee. Correlation between blood, physiological and behavioral parameters in beef calves under heat stress. Asian-Australasian journal of animal sciences, 2018, 31(6): 919-925.
[13] Dong Qiao Peng, U Suk Jung, Jae Sung Lee, Won Seob Kim, Yong Ho Jo, Min Jeong Kim, Young Kun Oh, Youl Chang Baek, Seong Gu Hwang, Hong Gu Lee. Effect of alcohol dehydrogenase 1C (ADH1C) genotype on vitamin A restriction and marbling in Korean native steers. Asian-Australasian journal of animal sciences, 2017, 30(8): 1099-1104. (第一作者)
[1](墙板展示)All-trans retinoic acid drives opposite response on preadipocyte and mature adipocyte in bovine stromal vascular cells. 2021年韩国动物科学技术学会年会-2021 Annual Congress of Korean society of Animal Science and Technology (KSAST 2021.07)
[2](墙板展示)All-trans retinoic acid supplementation promotes preadipocyte development in sorted bovine stromal vascular cells. 第62届韩国生命科学学会年会暨国际研讨会-The 62th Annual Meeting and International Symposium of Korean Society of Life Science (KSLS 2020.08)
[3](口头发表)Oral vitamin A supplementation during late-pregnancy and birth stage enhances growth, pre-adipocyte and muscle development in Korean native calves. 第十三届反刍动物生理学国际研讨会论文集(德国)-Proceedings of the XIIIth International Symposium on Ruminant Physiology (ISRP 2019.09)
[4](口头发表)Metabonomic analyses to characterize metabolic alterations in Korean native calves by oral vitamin A supplementation. 2019年韩国动物科学技术学会年会-2019 Annual Congress of Korean society of Animal Science and Technology (KSAST 2019.06)
[5](墙板展示)Effect of all-trans retinoic acid supplement on preadipocyte development in stromal vascular cells derived from muscle of Korean native steers. 第十八届亚澳畜牧业大会(马来西亚)-18th Asian-Australasian Animal Production Congress (AAAP 2018.08)
[6](口头发表)Effect of vitamin A restriction on carcass traits and blood metabolites in Korean native steers. 发展中国家可持续畜牧业会议(印度尼西亚)-Conference on Sustainable Animal Agriculture for Developing Counties (SAADC 2017.10)
[7](墙板展示)Study on Metabolic profiles test for the prediction of vitamin A deficiency. 2017年韩国动物科学技术学会年会-2017 Annual Congress of Korean society of Animal Science and Technology (KSAST 2017.06)
[8](口头发表)Effect of vitamin A restriction on the growth performance and blood metabolites in Korean native steers. 2016年韩国动物科学技术学会年会-2016 Annual Congress of Korean society of Animal Science and Technology (KSAST 2016.06)
[9](墙板展示)Effect of alcohol dehydrogenase 1C (ADH1C) genotype on vitamin A restriction and marbling in Korean native steers. 2016年韩国动物科学技术学会年会-2016 Annual Congress of Korean society of Animal Science and Technology (KSAST 2016.06)
[10](墙板展示)Analysis of pro-vitamin A carotenoids in common Hanwoo feedstuffs by HPLC. 2015年韩国动物科学技术学会年会-2015 Annual Congress of Korean society of Animal Science and Technology (KSAST 2015.08)
[1] 彭东乔,刘炜 (2021). Apparatus and method for analyzing oestrus behavior Pattern of ruminant animal based on image analysis (영상분석 기반의 반추 동물의 발정행동패턴 분석 장치 및 방법) (专利授权号_韩国:10-2332252)
[2] 彭东乔,刘炜 (2021). Apparatus and method for livestock monitoring (가축 모니터링 장치 및 방법) (专利授权号_韩国:10-2341715)
[3] 彭东乔,刘炜 (2020). 一种基于人工智能CCTV对反刍动物发情行为识别的方法 (专利授权号_中国:ZL202010523868.5)
[4] 李洪求,彭东乔 等 (2020). Method of discriminating quality of Hanwoo by feeding restriction of vitamin A (비타민A제한 급여에 따른 한우 품질 판별 방법) (专利授权号_韩国:10-2076798)
[5] 彭东乔,刘炜 (2021). Apparatus and method for analyzing ruminant and breeding environment based on image analysis (영상 분석 기반의 반추동물 및 사육환경 분석 장치 및 방법) (专利申请号_韩国:10-2021-0166710)
[6] 彭东乔,刘炜 (2021). 一种反刍动物饲养状况的非接触式监测方法 (专利公开号_中国:CN113989745A)
[7] 李洪求,金学成,彭东乔 (2021). A medium composition for inducing muscle cell differentiation comprising vitamin A, its precursor, analog or active substance and use thereof (바타민 A이의 전구체, 유사체 또는 활성물질을 포함하는 근육세포 분화유도용 배지조성물 및 이의 용도) (专利申请号_韩国:10-2021-0141381)
[8] 彭东乔,刘炜 (2021). 一种基于人工智能对反刍动物一般行为识别的方法 (专利公开号_中国:CN113221776A)
[9] 李洪求,彭东乔 (2020). Method for improving Korean beef and meat quality by feeding vitamin A (비타민A의 급여에 의한 한우 육량 및 육질의 개선 방법) (专利申请号_韩国:10-2020-0148936)
[10] 李洪求,彭东乔 (2020). Method for verifying the effect of vitamin A on the development of preadipocyte of stromal vascular cells (비타민A가 기질혈관 세포의 지방전구세포 발달에 미치는 영향을 검증하는 방법) (专利申请号_韩国:10-2020-0152798)
[1] 2020年,韩国畜产学会,第一届“满江生命工学新晋研究学术奖”获得者。
[2] 2019年,韩国畜产学会,口头发表最优秀奖,题目:“Metabonomics analyses to characterize metabolic alterations in Korean natives calves by oral vitamin A supplementation”。
[3] 2018年,韩国畜产学会,第一届“反刍动物新晋研究学术奖”获得者。