姓 名:金永成
职 称:副教授 硕士生导师
中国林牧渔业经济学会 肉牛经济专业委员会 理事
吉林省畜牧兽医学会 理事
1. 受教育经历
2005.09 - 2011.02 韩国首尔国立大学,农业生命科学大学,博士
2002.09 - 2005.07 延边大学农学院,动物营养与饲料科学,硕士
1998.09 - 2002.07 延边大学农学院,畜牧学,学士
2. 工作经历
2020.09 - 至今 吉林大学,动物科学学院动物科学系,副教授
2013.01 - 2020.09 吉林大学,动物科学学院动物科学系,讲师
2015.07 - 2017.08 中国农业大学动物科技学院, 博士后研究
2011.11 - 2012.12 吉林大学,畜牧兽医学院动物科学系,讲师
2011.03 - 2011.11 韩国釜山国立大学,动物生命资源开发研究所,全职研究员
1. 本科生课程: 《饲料学》, 《饲料分析技术》, 《饲养实验与设计》, 《泌乳生物学》(2015-2019),《宠物饲养学》(2012-2016)等
2. 研究生课程: 《动物分子营养学》,《动物营养试验与数据分析》,《反刍动物营养与饲养管理案例分析》,《论文写作指导》等
1. 长春市科学技术局重点研发计划关键技术攻关专项,皓月沃金黑牛大理石花纹沉积营养调控关键技术研究(21ZGN21)
2. 吉林省教育厅“十三五”科学技术研究规划项目,锂对奶牛乳腺上皮细胞合成共轭亚油酸中的影响及机制研究(JJKH20201022KJ)
3. 企业横向课题,基于猫狗宠物方便食品的技术研发(NX2019007)
4. 吉林省教育厅“十二五”科学技术研究规划项目,维生素A对奶牛乳蛋白和乳脂合成的调控机制 (吉教科合字[2014]第B014号)
5. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,PSMA5在奶牛乳腺上皮细胞内源性合成共轭亚油酸过程中的作用和调节通路研究(31301996)
6. 教育部博士点新教师基金项目,PDI在奶牛乳腺上皮细胞内源性合成共轭亚油酸过程中的作用及机制(20130061120112)
1. 论文
[1] Junxiong Wang#, Kexin Zheng#, Yongcheng Jin#, Yurong Fu, Rui Wang, Jing Zhang*. Protective effects of taraxasterol against deoxynivalenol-induced damage to bovine mammary epithelial cells. Toxins. 2022, 14, 211.(共同第一作者)
[2] Jinxin Zong#, Jinglin Shen#, Xinlu Liu, Jiayi Liu, Jing Zhang, Changhai Zhou, Yating Fan, Yongcheng Jin*. Lithium chloride promotes milk protein and fat synthesis in bovine mammary epithelial cells via HIF-1α and β-catenin signaling pathways. Biological Trace Element Research. Published online: 26 January 2022.(通讯作者)
[3] Fangfang Liang, Lei Yan, Yumei Li, Yongcheng Jin, Jing Zhang, Haoyu Che, Jizhe Diao, Yequn Gao, Zhaolan He, Ruihong Sun, Yuntong He, Changhai Zhou*. Effect of season on slaughter performance, meat quality, muscle amino acid and fatty acid composition, and metabolism of pheasants (Phasianus colchicus). Anim Sci J. 2022, 93(1), e13735.
[4] Xinlu Liu#, Jinglin Shen#, Jinxin Zong, Jiayi Liu and Yongcheng Jin*. Beta-sitosterol promotes milk protein and fat syntheses-related genes in bovine mammary epithelial cells. Animals. 2021, 11, 3238. (通讯作者)
[5] Yurong Fu#, Yongcheng Jin#, Anshan Shan, Jing Zhang*, Hongyu Tang, Jinglin Shen; Changhai Zhou, Hao Yu, Hengtong Fang, Yun Zhao, Junxiong Wang, Yue Tian. Polydatin protects bovine mammary epithelial cells against zearalenone-induced apoptosis by inhibiting oxidative responses and endoplasmic reticulum stress, Toxins. 2021, 13(2), 121.(共同第一作者)
[6] Jing Zhang#, Junmei Wang#, Hengtong Fang, Hao Yu, Yun Zhao, Jinglin Shen, Changhai Zhou, Yongcheng Jin*. Pterostilbene inhibits deoxynivalenol-induced oxidative stress and inflammatory response in bovine mammary epithelial cells. Toxicon. 2021, 189: 10–18(通讯作者)
[7] Xiandong Liao#, Changhai Zhou, Jing Zhang#, Jinglin Shen, Yajing Wang, Yongcheng Jin*, Shengli Li*. Effect of all-trans retinoic acid on casein and fatty acid synthesis in MAC-T cells. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences. 2020, 33(6):1012-1022(共同通讯作者)
[8] Rui Wang#, Hao Yu#, Hengtong Fang, Yongcheng Jin, Yun Zhao, Jinglin Shen, Changhai Zhou, Ruihua Li, Junmei Wang, Yurong Fu & Jing Zhang*. Effects of dietary grape pomace on the intestinal microbiota and growth performance of weaned piglets. Archives of Animal Nutrition. 2020, 74(4):296-308
[9] Wanqi Zhong#,Jinglin Shen#,Xiandong Liao,Xinlu Liu,Jing Zhang,Changhai Zhou,Yongcheng Jin*. Camellia (Camellia oleifera Abel.) seed oil promotes milk fat and protein synthesis-related gene expression in bovine mammary epithelial cells. Food Sci Nutr. 2020, 8:419–427. (通讯作者)
[10] Yurong Fu#, Yongcheng Jin#, Yun Zhao, Anshan Shan, Hengtong Fang, Jinglin Shen, Changhai Zhou, Hao Yu, Yongfeng Zhou, Xin Wang, Junmei Wang, Ruihua Li, Rui Wang, and Jing Zhang*. Zearalenone induces apoptosis in bovine mammary epithelial cells by activating endoplasmic reticulum stress. J Dairy Sci. 2019, 102(11):10543–10553 (共同第一作者)
[11] Junmei Wang#, Yongcheng Jin#, Shunlu Wu, Hao Yu, Yun Zhao, Hengtong Fang, Jinglin Shen, Changhai Zhou, Yurong Fu, Ruihua Li, Rui Wang, Junxiong Wang, Kexin Zheng, Qingsong Fan, Bojiong Chen, Jing Zhang*. Deoxynivalenol induces oxidative stress, inflammatory response and apoptosis in bovine mammary epithelial cells. J Anim Physiol Anim Nutr. 2019, 103:1663–1674. (共同第一作者)
[12] Xin Wang#, Hao Yu#, Hengtong Fang, Yun Zhao, Yongcheng Jin, Jinglin Shen, Changhai Zhou, Yongfeng Zhou, Yurong Fu, Junmei Wang, Jing Zhang*. Transcriptional profiling of zearalenone-induced inhibition of IPEC-J2 cell proliferation. Toxicon. 2019, 172: 8-14
[13] Yongfeng Zhou#, Yongcheng Jin#, Hao Yu, Anshan Shan, Jinglin Shen, Changhai Zhou, Yun Zhao, Hengtong Fang, Xin Wang, Junmei Wang, Yurong Fu, Rui Wang, Ruihua Li, Jing Zhang*. Resveratrol inhibits aflatoxin B1-induced oxidative stress and apoptosis in bovine mammary epithelial cells and is involved the Nrf2 signaling pathway. Toxicon. 2019, 164: 10–15 (共同第一作者)
[14] Xin Wang#, Hao Yu#, Anshan Shan, Yongcheng Jin, Hengtong Fang, Yun Zhao, Jinglin Shen, Changhai Zhou, Yongfeng Zhou, Yurong Fu, Junmei Wang, Jing Zhang*. Toxic effects of Zearalenone on intestinal microflora and intestinal mucosal immunity in mice. Food and Agricultural Immunology. 2018, 29(1): 1002-1011
[15] Jing Zhang, Guochao Wu, Anshan Shan, Yu Han, Yongcheng Jin, Hengtong Fang, Yun Zhao, Jinglin Shen,Changhai Zhou, Chunjin Li, Lu Chen, Yongfeng Zhou, Xin Wang, Di Liu, Hao Yu*. Dietary glutamine supplementation enhances expression of ZO-1 and occludin and promotes intestinal development in Min piglets. Acta Agric. Scand. Sect. A-Anim. Sci. 2017, 67(1):15-21
[16] Yuyang Chi, Jinglin Shen, Jing Zhang, Anshan Shan, Shuling Niu, Changhai Zhou, Honggu Lee, Yongcheng Jin*. Lithium chloride’s inhibition of 3T3-L1 cell differentiation by regulating the Wnt/β-catenin pathway and enhancing villin 2 expression. Food Science and Biotechnology. 2016, 25(4): 1147-1153 (通讯作者)
[17] Z. S. Hong, E. J. Kim, Y. C. Jin, J. S. Lee, Y. J. Choi, H. G. Lee*. Effects of Supplementing Brown Seaweed By-products in the Diet of Holstein Cows during Transition on Ruminal Fermentation, Growth Performance and Endocrine Responses. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences. 2015, 28(9):1296-1302
[18] Kyunghoon Lee, Tao Wang, Yongcheng Jin, Sangbum Lee, Jinju Oh, Jinhee Hwang, Jina Lim, Jaesung Lee,Honggu Lee*. Identification of proteins involved in the pancreatic exocrine by exogenous ghrelin administration in Sprague-Dawley rats. Journal of Animal Science and Technology, 2014, 56:6
[19] Tao Wang, Kyunghoon Lee, Usuk Jung, Yongcheng Jin, Sangbum Lee, Jaesung Lee, Jinhee Hwang, Jina Lim, Minjeong Kim, Seongho Choi, Manho Choi and Honggu Lee*. Responses of blood metabolites and proteins to different vitamin A levels in Korean Native Steers. Pak Vet J. 2014, 34(4): 527-531.
[20] Jinhee Hwang, Jinju Oh, Tao Wang, Yongcheng Jin, Jaesung Lee, Jongryeol Choi, Kyusup Lee, Jongkil Joo, Honggu Lee*. Identification of biomarkers for endometriosis in eutopic endometrial cells from patients with endometriosis using a proteomics approach. Molecular Medicine Reports. 2013, 8(1):183-94.
[21] S. B. Lee, C. W. Choi, Y. C. Jin, T. Wang, K. H. Lee, M. B. Ku, J. H. Hwang, K. H. Kim, R. S. A. Vega and H. G. Lee*. Effect of oral administration of intact casein on gastrointestinal hormone secretion and pancreatic-amylase activity in Korean Native Steer. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences. 2013, 26(5): 654-660.
[22] Yongcheng Jin, Zhehu Li, Zhongshan Hong, Chengxiong Xu, Jenga Han, Seongho Choi, Jinlong Yin, Qiankun Zhang, Kibeom Lee, Sangkee Kang, Mankang Song, Youngjun Kim, Hanseok Kang, Yunjaie Choi*, Honggu Lee*. Conjugate linoleic acid (CLA) synthesis-related protein proteasome subunit alpha 5 (PSMA5) is increased by vaccenic acid (TVA) treatment in goat mammary tissue. J Dairy Sci. 2012, 95(8):4286-4297 (第一作者)
[23] Yongcheng Jin, Jenga Han, Chengxiong Xu, Sangkee Kang, Sanghun Kim, Kangsuk Seo, Duhak Yoon,Yunjaie Choi, Honggu Lee*. Functional study of Villin 2 protein expressed in longissimus dorsi muscle of Korean native cattle in different growth stages. BMB reports. 2012, 45(2): 102-107 (第一作者)
[24] Z.H. Li, S.K. Kang, Y.C. Jin, Q.K. Zhang, Z.S. Hong, H. ThidarMyint, H. Kuwayama, J.S. Lee, S.B. Lee, T. Wang, E.J. Kim, Y.J. Choi, H.G. Lee*. Responses to administration of growth hormone releasing hormone and glucose in steers receiving stair-step and extended restriction on feeding. Livestock Science. 2012,150: 229-235.
[25] Honggu Lee, Jinlong Yin, Chengxiong Xu, Zhongshan Hong, Zhehu Lee, Yongcheng Jin, Changweon Choi, Dohyeung Lee, Kyounghoon Kim and Yunjaie Choi*. Effects of the combination of glucose, chromium picolinate, and vitamin C on lipid metabolism in steers. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences. 2011, 24(12):1674-1680.
[26] Sangbum Lee, Byungkuk Kim, Changho Park, Gunhyun Park, Yongcheng Jin, Hansuk Kang, Youngchul Kim,Younchil Kim, Sungchul C. Bai, Seonku Kim, Yunjaie Choi,Honggu Lee*. Effects of dietary pro-biotics and immunomodulator as an alternative to antibiotics in korean native chicken. Journal of Animal Science and Technology. 2011, 53(5): 409-418.
[27] Zhongshan Hong, Honggu Lee*, Zhehu Lee, Yongcheng Jin, Sangbum Lee, Hansuck Kang, Yunjaie Choi. Effect of fermented brown seaweed waste (FBSW) on in vitro rumen microbial fermentation. Journal of Animal Science and Technology. 2011, 53(4): 349-356.
[28] Yongcheng Jin, Honggu Lee*, Chengxiong Xu, Jenga Han, Seongho Choi, Mankang Song, Youngjun Kim, Kibeom Lee, Seonku Kim, Hanseok Kang, Byungwook Cho,Teaksoon Shin, Yunjaie Choi*. Proteomic analysis of endogenous conjugated linoleic acid biosynthesis in lactating rats and mouse mammary gland epithelia cells (HC11). Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Proteins and Protemics. 2010, 1804(4):745-751.(第一作者)
[29] Jinlong Yin#, Xun Jin#*, Samuel Beck, Dong Ho Kang, Zhongshan Hong, Zhehu Li, Yongcheng Jin, Qiankun Zhang, Yunjaie Choi, Sungchan Kim, Hyunggee Kim*. In vitro myogenic and adipogenic differentiation model of genetically engineered bovine embryonic fibroblast cell lines. Biotechnology Letters. 2010, 32(2):195-202.
[30] Z. H. Li#, H. G. Lee#, C. X. Xu, Z. S. Hong, Y. C. Jin, J. L. Yin, Q. K. Zhang, D. C. Piao, U. M. Yang and Y. J. Choi*. Z. H. Li1, H. G. Lee1, C. X. Xu, Z. S. Hong, Y. C. Jin, J. L. Yin, Q. K. Zhang, D. C. Piao, U. M. Yang and Y. J. Choi*. Effects of a Stair-step Growth Pattern on Improvements in Meat Quality and Growth in Hanwoo Steers. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences. 2010, 23(11): 1427-1435.
[31] Honggu Lee, Jeunga Han, Kibum Lee, Eunbea Kim, Yongcheng Jin, Jinju Oh, Jinhee Hwang, Hansuk Kang,Sanghun Kim, Kangsuk Seo, Sangkee Kang, Yunjaie Choi*. Buffer Optimization for Bovine Longissimus Muscle Tissues: Proteome Analysis of Korean Native Cattle Using 2-Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis. Food Science and Biotechnology. 2010, 19(4): 1107-1112.
[32] Zhongshan Hong, Zhehu Lee, Chengxiong Xu, Jinlong Yin, Yongcheng Jin, Hyunjun Lee, Sangbum Lee, Yunjaie Choi, Honggu Lee*. Effect of Fermented Brown Seaweed Waste (FBSW) on Milk Production, Composition and Physiological Responses in Holestein Dariy Cows. Journal of Animal Science and Technology. 2010, 52(4): 287-296.
[33] H. G. Lee, Z. S. Hong, J. H. Wang, C. X. Xu, Y. C. Jin, T. K. Kim,Y. J. Kim, M. K. Song, Y. J. Choi*. Milk CLA Profile and Metabolic Responses of Dairy Cows Fed with High-Temperature-Micro-Time (HTMT) Treated Diets Containing High Quantity Extruded Soybean (ESB). Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences. 2009, 22(11): 1504-1512.
[34] C. X. Xu#, Y. K. Oh#, H. G. Lee, T. G. Kim, Z. H. Li, J. L. Yin, Y. C. Jin, H. Jin, Y. J. Kim, K. H. Kim, J. M. Yeo and Y. J. Choi*. Effect of feeding high-temperature-micro-time (HTMT) treated diets with different lipid sources on conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) formation in finishing Hanwoo steers. Journal of Animal Science. 2008, 86(11): 3033-3044.
[35] 徐子娴,张涛,雷志良,迟玉杨,张晶,周长海,金永成*. 不同功能性油脂对乳腺上皮细胞乳脂合成基因表达的影响. 中国兽医学报. 2017,37(5):949-954. (通讯作者)
[36] 迟玉杨,张晶,徐子娴,高安崇,王秀娜,周长海,牛淑玲,金永成*,沈景林*. 牛PSMA5基因RNA干扰载体的构建与筛选及在奶牛乳腺上皮细胞中的表达. 中国兽医学报. 2016, 36(1):112-117,131. (共同通讯作者)
[37] 严昌国, 金永成. 妊娠黄牛优化日粮的研究. 中国畜牧兽医. 2008, 35(1):135-138.
[38] 严昌国, 金永成. 延边黄牛犊牛代乳料饲喂效果的研究. 中国饲料. 2007, 22: 22-23, 26.
2. 专利
[1] 李洪求(Lee, Hong Gu),宋万江(Song, Man Kang),金永成,崔鈗哉(Choi, Yun Jaie). 提高山羊乳中共轭亚油酸(CLA)含量的饲料及其制作方法, 2013.10.30,韩国:10-1325566
[2] 李洪求,崔鈗哉,金永成,宋万江. 来源于乳腺上皮细胞共轭亚油酸生产性能分析用标记. 2013.10.30,韩国:10-1325568
[3] 崔鈗哉,李洪求,金永成,宋万江,金勇俊(Young-Jun Kim). 共轭亚油酸合成相关的生物标记. 2010.1.25, 韩国:10-0997756
3. 著作
[1] 张晶 主编,周长海,金永成 副主编. 动物营养学原理纲要,长春:吉林大学出版社,2017
[2] 房恒通 主编,张晶,史旭东,金永成 副主编. 饲料学,长春:吉林大学出版社,2017