姓 名:梁爽
职 称:教授/博士生导师
2014.03---2017.02 韩国忠北国立大学,生殖生物学,博士
2009.09---2012.07 延边大学,动物遗传育种与繁殖,硕士
2005.09---2009.07 延边大学,动物科学系,本科
2022.09---至今 吉林大学,动物科学学院(实验动物中心),教授
2017.09---2022.09 吉林大学,动物科学学院(实验动物中心),副教授
2017.03---2018.02 韩国忠北国立大学,生命与农业科学学院,博士后
2012.08---2014.02 南京医科大学,生殖医学中心国家重点实验室,研究助理
(1)Method for enhancing of reprogramming of cloned embryos utilizing scriptaid.专利号:10-2016-0002125;类别:发明;授权国家:韩国
(2)Method for preventing of oocyte aging and enhancing developmental rate utilizing melatonin.专利号:10-2016-0002128;类别:发明;授权国家:韩国
(1)Wang YQ, Qu HX, Dong YW, Qi JJ, Wei HK, Sun H, Jiang H, Zhang JB, Sun BX, Liang S. Inhibition of FSP1 impairs early embryo developmental competence in pigs. Theriogenology 2024 15;214:257-265. 通讯作者;中科院1区.
(2)Zhang SX, Wang DL, Qi JJ, Yang YW, Sun H, Sun BX, Liang S. Chlorogenic acid ameliorates the heat stress-induced impairment of porcine Sertoli cells by suppressing oxidative stress and apoptosis. Theriogenology 2024 15;214:148-156. 通讯作者;中科院1区.
(3)Yin YJ, Zhang YH, Wang Y, Jiang H, Zhang JB, Liang S, Yuan B. Ferulic acid ameliorates the quality of in vitro-aged bovine oocytes by suppressing oxidative stress and apoptosis. Aging (Albany NY) 2023 8;15(21):12497-12512. 通讯作者;中科院2区.
(4)Wang Y, Qi JJ, Yin YJ, Jiang H, Zhang JB, Liang S, Yuan B. Ferulic Acid Enhances Oocyte Maturation and the Subsequent Development of Bovine Oocytes. Int J Mol Sci 2023 30;24(19):14804. 通讯作者;中科院2区.
(5)Yang TT, Qi JJ, Sun BX, Qu HX, Wei HK, Sun H, Jiang H, Zhang JB, Liang S. Maslinic Acid Supplementation during the In Vitro Culture Period Ameliorates Early Embryonic Development of Porcine Embryos by Regulating Oxidative Stress. Animals (Basel) 2023 13;13(6):1041.通讯作者;中科院2区.
(6)Qi JJ, Li XX, Zhang Y, Diao YF, Hu WY, Wang DL, Jiang H, Zhang JB, Sun BX, Liang S: Supplementation with asiatic acid during in vitro maturation improves porcine oocyte developmental competence by regulating oxidative stress. Theriogenology 2021, 172:169-177. 通讯作者;中科院1区.
(7)Zhang Y, Choi SH, Nogoy KM, Liang S: Review: The development of the gastrointestinal tract microbiota and intervention in neonatal ruminants. Animal 2021, 15(8):100316. 通讯作者;中科院1区.
(8)Li J, Sun BX, Wang DL, Liu Y, Qi JJ, Nie XW, Bai CY, Zhang JB, Liang S: Melatonin ameliorates cypermethrin-induced impairments by regulating oxidative stress, DNA damage and apoptosis in porcine Sertoli cells. Theriogenology 2021, 167:67-76. 通讯作者;中科院1区.
(9)Xiao Y, Yuan B, Hu W, Qi J, Jiang H, Sun B, Zhang J, Liang S: Tributyltin Oxide Exposure During in vitro Maturation Disrupts Oocyte Maturation and Subsequent Embryonic Developmental Competence in Pigs. Front Cell Dev Biol 2021, 9:683448. 通讯作者;中科院2区.
(10)Zhang S, Sun B, Wang D, Liu Y, Li J, Qi J, Zhang Y, Bai C, Liang S: Chlorogenic Acid Ameliorates Damage Induced by Fluorene-9-Bisphenol in Porcine Sertoli Cells. Front Pharmacol 2021, 12:678772. 通讯作者;中科院2区.
(11)Liu Y, Sun B, Zhang S, Li J, Qi J, Bai C, Zhang J, Liang S: Glycine alleviates fluoride-induced oxidative stress, apoptosis and senescence in a porcine testicular Sertoli cell line. Reprod Domest Anim 2021, 56(6):884-896. 通讯作者;中科院3区.
(12)Hu W, Zhang Y, Wang D, Yang T, Qi J, Zhang Y, Jiang H, Zhang J, Sun B, Liang S: Iron Overload-Induced Ferroptosis Impairs Porcine Oocyte Maturation and Subsequent Embryonic Developmental Competence in vitro. Front Cell Dev Biol 2021, 9:673291. 通讯作者;中科院2区.
(13)Hu WY, Li XX, Diao YF, Qi JJ, Wang DL, Zhang JB, Sun BX, Liang S: Asiatic acid protects oocytes against in vitro aging-induced deterioration and improves subsequent embryonic development in pigs. Aging (Albany NY) 2020, 13(3):3353-3367. 通讯作者;中科院1区.
(14)Qi JJ, Li XX, Diao YF, Liu PL, Wang DL, Bai CY, Yuan B, Liang S, Sun BX: Asiatic acid supplementation during the in vitro culture period improves early embryonic development of porcine embryos produced by parthenogenetic activation, somatic cell nuclear transfer and in vitro fertilization. Theriogenology 2020, 142:26-33. 通讯作者;中科院1区.
(15)Zhang Y, Guo J, Nie XW, Li ZY, Wang YM, Liang S, Li S: Rosmarinic acid treatment during porcine oocyte maturation attenuates oxidative stress and improves subsequent embryo development in vitro. PeerJ 2019, 7:e6930. 通讯作者;中科院3区.